
Why Are Probiotics SO Important?

Probiotics have been one of THE most important part of my diet for the last year or so, as it has significantly improved my digestive health as well as my overall health!  How many of you would love to have a flatter belly? ...well, probiotics helps! What about not getting sick with colds and flus even though all those around you are? ...probiotics helps with this too!  Maybe you'd like to have clearer skin or deal with bowel irregularities, or even want to just feel better in general...honestly, probiotics takes care of all these issues!  It's amazing how much sicknesses, diseases and issues begins in the gut!  In Joy Life's contributing Health writer and my nutrition consultant, Loretta Hill, gives us the scoop on Probiotics and why it is so important to our health.  

You may have heard of the  term "probiotics" as it has been advertised on TV a lot lately; and you may have also heard that yogurt has Acidophilus and that it's good for you.  But, what are these "friendly bacterias" good for?

In the 1950's the "miracle medicine" antibiotics was developed and many lives were saved through the use of the antibiotics. So, it was then thought that by the year 2,000 infectious diseases would be gone forever. Unfortunately, today more than 19,000 people die every year from untreatable diseases caused by drug resistant bacterias. You see, antibiotics kills bad and good bacterias so the cascade of imbalance begins from your first dose of antibiotics as a child.

Your Intestinal tract is home to around 100 trillion microorganisms and not all of them are friendly. Some of the most dangerous offenders enter your body through the foods you eat, water you drink and even the air you breathe. Many of these bacterias are mere nuisances but some will make you ill for days or months. The worst can be deadly.

No matter where you live there is no escape. Once dangerous bacterias enter your body, the fight is on. Unfriendly microorganisms come in many guises. Some are easily identified as disease carriers others are chameleons. They can be neutral under certain conditions but like the bacteria Candida Albicans, the inoffensive yeast can turn into a predatory and dangerous fungus.

So what is the solution? There is a guardian called probiotic bacteria meaning "Pro-Life" which may be ingested in supplement form and also in fermented foods. This guardian can help lower cholesterol, fight cancer, ward off ulcers, and protect against food poisoning. It boosts your immune system function by producing its own antibodies that are effective against harmful bacterias, viruses and fungi. It controls the overgrowth of Candida(yeast) and it helps to cancel out environmental toxins you can't avoid. It corrects and prevents many bowel problems including constipation, diarrhea, colitis,and IBS as well as protect urinary tract infections. It works against migraine headaches, rheumatic and arthritic complaints, skin conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema. Probiotics also participate in the digestive process producing enzymes and some B vitamins and  Serotonin (your feel good neurotransmitter). Adequate Serotonin will alleviate depression and carbohydrate cravings so the benefit for weight loss is substantial.

It may be time for you to do a "Gut Check". Are you feeling inflamed, bloated, have acid reflux, itchy skin or are you catching colds frequently? Probiotics are in order! It's important that you select a probiotic product that is of very high quality or else it's a waste of money. A Refrigerated, live culture, multi-strain supplement  is best. 

Good health truly begins in your digestive tract!  

Loretta Hill
Loretta has been a Personal Trainer and Health Coach for 17 years and is passionate about helping people to have the best health that they can possibly achieve.  Her company's name is Vital Health AZ, where she does weight loss counseling, personal fitness training, and lifestyle coaching.  They also provide a complete line of pharmacy grade supplements and homeopathic remedies.  "I feel that God has blessed me with the ability to advise and guide people; helping them get off medications; achieve their fitness goals; and have an increased sense of well being.  He has shown me so much in the world of integrative health and nutrition, and I love to share it with others."

To order the Probiotics that I use, or to contact Loretta for a free consultation, visit her website:  Vital Health AZ

28 Day Healthy Eating Challenge 
As most of you know, I have made the commitment to eating healthier by eating a lot more whole foods and eliminating as much added sugars, dairy products, and processed foods from my diet as possible.  While I was looking through the Whole Foods (the store) website, I found a 28 day challenge to eating healthier and I thought I'd share it with you all.  I'm not sharing this as a "diet", but in hopes of initiating a healthier "lifestyle".  
I know some of you already live a healthy lifestyle so cheers to you! Please share any tips and suggestions that you might have for those of us that are new to this.

For those who might have more of a challenge trying to figure how to start eating healthy, the link below to the Whole Foods page will give you tips and pointers on what to start shopping for and how to batch cook for the week, etc.  It also includes a 28-day meal plan, which I think is fantastic and is an awesome way to shift our mindset towards healthier ways of cooking and eating.  It takes away the guesswork and frustration from trying to figure out what to eat and not to eat. 
For me, I attempted to start eating healthy several times over the last couple years, but always got frustrated with not knowing exactly what to buy and eat… plus it seemed like it would be SO MUCH more work on top of my already busy I would get overwhelmed just from thinking about it and then resort to what was familiar and what was easy. 
But because our body is a temple, we need to take care of it and also be healthy for our children.  The healthier of a lifestyle you live, the less likely you are to get colds, sicknesses, etc.. Doing research on the foods that are in stores and restaurants have completely convinced me to change my lifestyle when it especially comes to the foods I eat and what I feed my children.  It's amazing the amount of chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) that are used on foods, and the engineering of foods (changing the genetic component of the food) that goes on; and humans are ingesting all these things on daily basis...It's no wonder that there’s so much sicknesses and diseases in our society. 

I could go on and on with this subject with all the things I’m finding out in my research.  However, ultimately, it is important that we are diligent with our health and what we put into our bodies and our children's bodies.  I challenge you to check out the link below and do the 28-day challenge. 
I recommend buying a good blender (you can find good slightly used ones at garage sales and even Craigslist!) so you can blend your vegetables and fruits into tasty smoothies...the fruits make it sweet, so really it is not bad!! You can be creative with all the greens that God has given us to nourish our bodies with and come up with your own concoctions!  Please share :)

Lastly, I want to add the importance of exercising!  Part of taking care of our bodies is exercising.  It's also important that our children see that we make it a point to exercise. How else will they make it a priority in their lives when they are young adults/adults if they don't see us making it a priority?  Exercising along with eating healthy can bring us to our optimal health!  And I know, I know....TIME IS A FACTOR, right?  I feel you!  Start small.  Even if it's in your living room...instead of turning on the TV to unwind in the evening, take 20 minutes to do some stretching exercises and sit ups (this also relaxes your body and your mind).  There are also great workout videos that you can borrow at the local public library or borrow from a friend if you can't afford to buy one.  OR you can take a fast walk/run in your neighborhood (tuck in your tummy tight and walk as fast as you can around your neighborhood for 15 - 20 min); this simple action will work out your abs, calves, thighs and glutes!  The point is to make exercising a part of your regular routine...It will pay off :)

Remember, it's the small little steps that we take now, that will lead us to success. 

Love you all!

"Simple little disciplines that, done consistently over time, will add up to the very biggest accomplishments" - Jeff Olson ('The Slight Edge)

 Benefits of Juicing
by Fruitful Provision

Anyone and everyone can benefit from juicing. So if you are one of the many people wondering if juicing is right for you; stop wondering and give it a try. I like to describe the effects of juicing by saying it is like restarting a computer. Our bodies and its internal organs get reset to a degree with juicing. The amount of nutrients in raw fruits and vegetables are numerous, and by juicing we allow our bodies to consume more nutrients all at one time. When we cook food there is automatically an enzyme breakdown due to heat which is avoided with juicing. I'm not suggesting or implying that there is not nutritional value when we cook our food just that we have the ability to optimize the health benefits of certain foods when we choose to juice. 

Some of the many health benefits of juicing are strengthening of immune system, weight loss, detoxification without energy depletion, helps stabilize blood sugar levels (diabetes), cancer fighting phyto-chemicals are found in juice, and  fresh juice stabilizes inflammation internally. Juicing gives our bodies healthy energy and allows our body systems to function at optimal levels. Again, these are just a handful of benefits from juicing. Juicing for healing and medicinal purposes has been around for ages. Some commentaries even suggest that the “fruit with seed in it” from Genesis 1:29 refers to the fruit as a whole, including the juice. And it was to be “yours for food”. 

It doesn't matter if you want to juice every morning or commit to a juice fast, the benefits are countless. Do not be discouraged or intimidated by big expensive juicers or health gurus, juicing is just another way that you can utilize the power of food for what it was intended. I'm confident that once you incorporate juicing into your lives you will feel the benefits and love them. Please keep in mind that when you begin juicing you may feel the effects of detox. These may include body aches, headache, or frequent bathroom trips. I promise this phase does not last long. For some it is only a few days, for others it may be up to a week. 

For those that do not own a juicer there are many options in stores and online. The only one I've ever owned is one of the Jack LaLanne juicers and I've had it for 4 years and use it on a very regular basis. I made a hundred dollar investment and my juicer is still going strong, and I have had no issues with it. Another great option is one by Black and Decker, and this one can be found online or in Target or Walmart stores. This is a thirty dollar investment and for the price it works great. This would be great if you wanted to try juicing without spending too much money or if you will be juicing for just yourself. It is a smaller juicer so it is perfect in the amount it makes for one person. I hope my personal testimony helps when you are deciding on which to buy and how much to spend when it comes to juicers.

Another benefit is that surprisingly enough drinking your veggies can actually taste good! I've included a recipe to help get you started. The ingredients in this recipe help the body to rid itself of toxins, stimulate digestion and immune system, optimize liver and kidney function, and increase hydration. Enjoy!

My First Green

1 Fennel stem
1 peeled Cucumber
5 Kale leaves
Leaves of 5 Parsley stems
Ginger, peeled and cut to sugar cube size
1 cup Spinach, roughly chopped
5 stems of Dandelion Greens
1 Lemon, rind removed & cut in half (keeping as much of the white area on the fruit as you can)

For additional information and for more juicing ideas, check out Fruitful Provision's blog & website at: