Pray and ask God to give you a vision for your life. "Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18 NKJ
If we don't have a clear vision for our lives, how would we know what goals we should be setting? Ask God for direction and purpose...for what you should be doing at this time in your life. We all have a unique calling and purpose for our lives and God wants to give you revelation of His purposes for your life. When we don't have a vision, we will wander through life aimlessly, without purpose and motivation. We should always be moving towards progress and change in our lives.
If you already have a vision for your life, and know what your specific purpose is at this time in your life, then ask God to give you deeper revelation and wisdom as to how to carry out your purpose even further and to take it to another level.
Get a vision for your children.
Getting a vision for each of your children will help you parent, encourage and guide them individually towards their purpose. We have to be intentional in the parenting of our children, so its important to also get a vision of the type of parent we need to be to our children.
Write down the vision. "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." Habakkuk 2:2-3 NIV
When you get revelation, write it down in your journal right away. It will be your testimony in the coming days, months and years to be, as you begin to see things take place and come to fruition in your life. You do not want to lose sight of this vision...It is your motivating force!
A fun project idea is to do a 'vision board':
Using a poster board, you can write your vision(s) and those things you aspire for, in pretty handwriting; then decorate the board with fun stickers and word letters that relate to the things you have written. You can also cut out pictures from magazines that represents those things you are praying for.
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Vision board with inspiring words & verses |
The purpose of this board is so that you can place it somewhere where you will see it everyday (mine is in my closet at eye level, so I see it everyday) and remind yourself of God's promises and to keep praying and having faith.
This is something that you can have your children do as well! Ask them to pray first and then write and draw those things they aspire to do (like being nicer to a sibling) or be one day...maybe it's to one day be a traveling Dr. that travels around the world to help those who are sick in impoverished nations??? Whatever it might be, it gives them a path to look forward to and brings motivation!
*I testify that most of the things I have on my board have come to pass; although I am still waiting patiently and in faith for the other things listed on there to also come to pass.
It's so important that we remain focused and diligent. There will be many things that will try to discourage you and rob you of your vision and your time. Be discerning about who you share your vision with because there are many nay sayers in the world and even within our own families. When God gives you a vision it will require faith. If your vision is something you can attain within your own abilities, then you need to go back and ask God what His vision is for you. God's visions always requires a level faith, dedication, hard work and diligence. In order to not lose sight of the vision for your life, you must remain focused on the calling. You must fall in love with Jesus so that He can direct your every path and bring divine appointments and connections that will lead to the goal.
So whether your vision is to live and maintain a healthier lifestyle, to begin a ministry, to own your own business, or to be the best parent on the planet....seek God for the strength and wisdom that you will need in order to reach your goals.
Also, renew your mind each day so that you remain focused on the prize and so as not to allow anyone or thing rob your vision or discourage you. Click this link to read my previous blog on Renewing Your Mind
Lastly, I leave you with words, "begin with the end in mind" from the book, 'The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People', written by Stephen Covey. This is one of the 7 habits he speaks about that one should have in order to achieve the vision for their life.
"By keeping that end clearly in mind, you can make certain that whatever you do on any particular day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and that each day of your life contributes in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole. To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction."
Wishing you all a very blessed and vision-filled year in 2013!
Happy New Year!!
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